Take a look at this study article by the Economist regarding designer brands and counterfeit labels. While it comes as no surprise that more and more people do not care about the authenticity of their counterfeited products, the economist discusses the fact that knock-offs are not always thought of as inferior. This is because the label is what people consider so superior. So if the label is just attached to any other product, they do not care if the product is a fake, so long as people see that they have the label. Due to the fact that while the product may be believed to be high in value, the name is what brings in the real money. This is highly transferable. While it is not true that everyone shares this sentiment and that many actually care about the genuine product and label, there are plenty of people who merely care about the projection of the label and what people see. For example, while many enjoy for the flavor of Starbucks coffee, the study shows that the same trademark attached to a lesser quality coffee will do well also. A simple taste test to prove this point would prove that people care about portraying the coffee they are drinking than the genuineness of the product. Of course, none of this is news, but the article discusses all of this very clearly.